3 Quick Wins for Improving Transparency for Your Mining Project with Narrative Video

Nova Siegmann
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These days, there are fewer opportunities to be a pioneer. 

Unless that is, you work in the mineral industry. Finding things, taking risks, and being the first makes the sector unique. 

Today, the mineral industry has another opportunity to strike a new path. 

We're encouraging mining and mineral exploration companies to leverage VRIFY to improve project transparency. 

Better transparency in how we communicate is our best chance at aligning public and non-traditional investor perceptions with critical mining activity. 

Transparency is more than a buzzword. It's an ethic that has the power to change minds.

 With VRIFY Video, you can create, publish, and share narrated videos that allow you to speak to your audience and make sense of complex technical data for them. 

Because data dumping can do better: from non-traditional investors to community groups, mineral companies interface with people of diverse backgrounds. A one-size-fits-all approach falls short of accommodating different knowledge and experience levels. 

The technology you need to move the sector forward is here. 

Be a pioneer. Let's look at three ways you can improve transparency for your mining project with VRIFY Video. 

What is VRIFY Video? 

VRIFY Video is a tool in VRIFY's digital content platform that allows you to:

  • Record unlimited narrated presentations of your VRIFY Deck, including 3D models and 360 degree site tours.
  • Publish the video virtually anywhere online (ex: social media, press releases, website, email).
  • Leverage up to 9.7 times better engagement.

This tool is available to anyone with a VRIFY user account. For a complete overview, explore the VRIFY Video Playbook

Three ways to use VRIFY Video for better transparency 

Your audience is in more places than one. VRIFY Video makes it easy to bring transparency to where they are online. From social media to email dialogue, there are many channels to quickly and easily disperse information with VRIFY Video. 

1. Share narrated videos on social, press releases

For Santiago Montt, CEO of Los Andes Copper, "communication is of the essence." 

"You need to engage with your stakeholders to keep them informed of what you are doing, how you do things, your objectives, and how you plan to go from here to there," he says. 

Montt uses VRIFY Video to share bite-sized overviews of the Vizcachitas Project on Twitter. 3D models come to life with his narration, and Montt can provide greater context for his social audience. 

VRIFY Video is a tool in his toolkit to move key ESG messages for the Vizcachitas Project forward. With quick and easy uploading from the VRIFY dashboard, Montt can create videos on the fly, answering questions and addressing concerns with powerful visual clarity. 

VRIFY Video also translates to press releases. Supplementing a text-based press release with a 360 degree site tour provides an additional visual channel for understanding your data. 

By narrating the recorded video, you can highlight the most important aspects of your project data and bring a uniquely human element to your press release. 

[Learn more about making an impact with your VRIFY press release.]

Share VRIFY narrated videos with more social audiences, including:

  • YouTube
  • LinkedIn
  • Instagram 
  • TikTok 
  • Reddit

2. Embed narrated video on flagship websites

Transparency is about being able to see something for what it truly is. 

With VRIFY, you can show stakeholders all 360 degrees of your project. Like Michael Hudson, Managing Director of Southern Cross Gold, you can take that level of access even further. 

"VRIFY provides a much more transparent way of presenting the data, and it's all available on our website for us to direct people to," Hudson says, speaking about how he leverages VRIFY to share information about SXG's Sunday Creek Project. 

By embedding narrated videos on your company or project flagship website, you create space for individualized learning journeys. People can absorb the presentation on their terms, guided by your informed narration. 

Increase utility and impact across your flagship website, including: 

  • Homepage - Introduce users to the project with a 360 site tour overview 
  • Project page - Include an embedded video to supplement text descriptions and data tables
  • News - Include embedded video as part of your press release posts 
  • Events - Add supplementary video to overviews about upcoming or past investor conferences or community events
  • Additional pages - Any page on your website that bottlenecks project information could benefit from a VRIFY narrated video 

3. Reply to investor emails with personalized narrated videos

Writing is hard. 

Trying to articulate a complex topic about your mineral project (in writing!) to a non-geologist is freaking hard

Email forces us to put these things in words. But now, there's a faster, easier, and more transparent way. 

With VRIFY Video, you can log in to your VRIFY user account and record narrated videos to upload and send via email. 

Now you can answer investor questions in your voice by referencing your 3D model in a visual format your recipient can access on their own time. 

Instead of picking up the phone, pull up your VRIFY dashboard and dive into the zones, cores, deposits, and drilling highlights. 

When it comes to email, tone means a great deal. With video, it's easy to communicate excitement, passion, and capability. 

As Chad Peters, Ridgeline Minerals CEO, says: 

"VRIFY helped me translate my excitement about the geology and what the company could be to shareholders without having to be directly in front of them." 

Personalized narrated videos can also help with the following: 

  • Introducing the project to new stakeholder verticals 
  • Building relationships with investors and stakeholders 
  • Encouraging two-way dialogue and engagement
  • Increasing awareness (video is easy to share)

Small changes make a significant impact on the mineral sector

With these three quick wins for improving transparency for your mining project, you're moving the sector towards a vision we see for future generations: transparent and sustainable mining supported by public alignment for environmental goals. 

VRIFY makes it easy to transform complex technical data into visual formats that are immersive, relatable, and empowering to audiences of all backgrounds. Book a demo to see how quickly and effectively you can improve transparency for your project. 

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Nova Siegmann
Senior Manager, Content & Education

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