Get More Investor Eyeballs on Your Content With the VRIFY Partner Network

Nova Siegmann
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Whether early-stage or more established, one thing’s for sure: we all want more eyeballs on our projects. 

Meet the VRIFY Partner Network: a global assembly of mining investment, research, and technology companies, streamlined to share VRIFY content across their digital platforms. 

Public VRIFY decks are automatically published to Partner channels, including 6ix and Junior Mining Hub. Now your immersive 3D and 360 presentations from VRIFY are discoverable by even more retail and traditional investors - for free. 

Why We Built the VRIFY Partner Network  

The mining sector is facing an urgent inflection point. Exploration and mining are necessary to reverse the critical minerals deficit and power the green energy transition. But the mining sector is challenged to communicate with and attract non-traditional investors. 

VRIFY’s interactive 3D and 360 degree presentations give investors and stakeholders powerful visual context and access to better information about the companies and projects they are investing in. By simplifying complex information and offering a faster and more accurate way to assess any mining company’s investment potential, the VRIFY platform is building a more transparent, successfully funded, and sustainable mining sector. 

But VRIFY isn’t the piece in the puzzle for raising capital and improving access to and comprehension of project data. Joining forces with some of the most authoritative organizations in the mining sector is crucial in affecting real change in the industry. 

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“The Partner Network is part of our effort in changing the way mining companies communicate and helping mining position itself for the critical minerals deficit we face,” says Adam Jones, Chief Revenue Officer at VRIFY. 

More Mileage for Your 360 Virtual Site Tour

This year at VRIFY, the strategic North Star metric is client success. And while VRIFY brings the wow in storytelling for mining and exploration projects with high-resolution 3D visuals and 360 site tours, we recognized that there was an opportunity to extend the mileage of our clients’ presentations and further help move their projects forward. 

“You still need to have investor distribution,” Jones says. “You need investors to have their eyes on it, and so many websites are vying for those investor eyeballs.” 

Instead of reinventing the wheel, we’ve teamed up with reputable existing platforms to serve our clients’ content where it’s most in demand. Immersive, interactive content and the distribution to get it noticed: to us, it’s the perfect pairing for client success. 

“For investors, a 360 site tour is a far better experience than a 2D graphic,” says Jones. 

“They’re not just looking at numbers - with VRIFY, they can dive in and explore the project themselves. VRIFY and investor distribution are very complimentary. It’s an end-to-end investor research experience.” 

Video Enhances the Self-Serve Experience

There’s a difference between presenting at a conference and sharing the same deck on an investor community website. 

Digital platforms within the VRIFY Partner Network offer investors a self-serve experience. With VRIFY Video, our clients can record narrated videos, including walk-throughs of projects, to publish across the Partner Network. It’s a feature we believe will help our clients communicate better to a broader audience. 

“Many retail investors want to be able to watch a narrated walk-through of a project so they can hear the CEO or the head of IR talk through the project and communicate the value proposition,” says Jones. 

“We think video is massively underused in the mining industry, so if we can provide the ability to create high-quality video for topics like project overview or discussing drill results and then combine that with some of the networks that are set up today, we think that could be a really powerful way of reaching a wider audience and creating a narrative that is more accessible to more people.”

The Cost-Effective Way to Attract Investors

What’s in your marketing budget? 

There are many ways to spend thousands of dollars promoting a project, including mining interviews, media outreach, website, and online presence. It can be costly. 

The VRIFY Partner Network is free for VRIFY clients and the only streamlined way to combine expansive investor awareness with immersive 3D and 360 degree site tour storytelling. Now your prospective investors are empowered to see for themselves just how exciting your project is. And with VRIFY Video, you can tell them in your own words, narrated for self-serve purposes. 

The VRIFY Partner Network is the ultimate value-add for any mining company looking to bridge the communication gap with diverse audiences. Immersive visual storytelling brings the wow to every presentation and makes it easier to disseminate complex technical information. 

What’s Next for the VRIFY Partner Network

The VRIFY Partner Network is growing and diversifying. We’re looking ahead to a future where technology companies, investor relations, PR, industry associations, events, financial institutions, and governments are all connected in a mining ecosystem on a mission to bring a wider audience into the conversation about mining. For the Partnerships team at VRIFY, there are many conversations to be had. 

For financial institutions, we see mutually beneficial opportunities for making the buying and investing process easier for investing in mining projects with VRIFY-driven visual content.

Government momentum globally to support mining presents another prospective opportunity for the VRIFY Partner Network. 

“We’ll be looking to partner with governments on a global basis to determine ways to subsidize mining projects to use VRIFY to bring more investment into different geographies,” says Jones. 

Today, there’s nothing stopping our clients from getting their projects in front of more investor eyeballs with the VRIFY Partner Network. 

We’re just getting started.

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Nova Siegmann
Senior Manager, Content & Education

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